EasyUI Forum

General Category => EasyUI for jQuery => Topic started by: officecode on June 24, 2019, 08:16:07 PM

Title: Panel issue in 'tabs'
Post by: officecode on June 24, 2019, 08:16:07 PM
I want to display the chart in the 'tabs' panel. It works fine in 'panel'. It is fine to use in the first panel of 'tabs', but it is not displayed in other panels of 'tabs'.
The following is the sample code. Is there any problem?
var option = {
//'panel' can be generated normally
var p = $('#p').panel('body').css('padding','10px');
var c1 = echarts.init($('#p')[0]);
//The first panel of 'tabs' can also be generated normally.
var tab = $('#t').tabs('getTab',0);
var c2 = echarts.init(tab.panel('body')[0]);
//Why aren't the other panels of 'tabs' displayed properly?
tab = $('#t').tabs('getTab',1);
c3 = echarts.init(tab.panel('body')[0]);
In order to facilitate the processing of the problem, I have put the example in the attachment. Please help solve, thank you!