EasyUI Forum

General Category => EasyUI for jQuery => Topic started by: finzaiko on February 26, 2016, 04:18:14 AM

Title: Change editor edatagrid [SOLVED]
Post by: finzaiko on February 26, 2016, 04:18:14 AM
How change editor in edatagrid depent on other value
{field: 'val_map', title: 'Value', sortable: true, width: 150,
// if row.key_editor=1 then type editor textbox
// elseif row.key_editor=2 then editor type checkbox
// ....
                            iconCls: 'icon-new-win',
                                var row = $('#dgKeyVal').datagrid('getSelected');
                                    //alert('Attach logo !');

how got other column value in editor as above logical ?

Any help I appreciate it, Thanks.

Title: Re: Change editor edatagrid
Post by: jarry on February 26, 2016, 08:49:42 AM
Please extend a method 'getGridInfo' to get the datagrid information in a textbox.
<script type="text/javascript">
  $.extend($.fn.textbox.methods, {
    getGridInfo: function(jq){
      var tr = $(jq[0]).closest('.datagrid-row');
      var view = tr.closest('.datagrid-view');
      var grid = view.children('.datagrid-f');
      return {
        grid: grid,
        index: parseInt(tr.attr('datagrid-row-index')),
        id: tr.attr('node-id')

To get the editing row in the extra icon handler of the textbox, please try this:
      iconCls: 'icon-add',
      handler: function(e){
        var info = $(e.data.target).textbox('getGridInfo');
        var row = $(info.grid).datagrid('getRows')[info.index];

Title: Re: Change editor edatagrid
Post by: finzaiko on February 26, 2016, 09:03:45 PM
Hi Jarry,

Thanks alot for your reply, maybe you misunderstood my point, I'm sorry about my question, I mean that
when I want to edit the current row by double-clicking the row, the editor will automatically change into checkbox if row.key_editor = 2, and if row.key_editor = 3 into the textbox and so on, I try using onBeginEdit event

var myTextEditor = {
                iconCls: 'icon-new-win',
                    var row = $('#dgKeyVal').datagrid('getSelected');
                        //alert('Attach logo !');
   var myCheckEditor = {
       options: {on:1,off:0},

// this is my column
{field: 'key_map', title: 'Key', width: 100, sortable: true},
{field: 'val_map', title: 'Value', editor: myTextEditor },  <<---- Change this editor
{field: 'key_editor', hidden: true},

onBeginEdit: function(index,row){
                    //change val_map to checkbox editor
                    // this should be change to myCheckEditor
                    // this should be change to myTextEditor

Title: Re: Change editor edatagrid
Post by: jarry on February 26, 2016, 10:54:34 PM
You must change the 'editor' property before editing a row, so please use the 'onBeforeEdit' instead of 'onBeginEdit'.
onBeforeEdit: function(index,row){
var col = $(this).datagrid('getColumnOption', 'val_map');
if (row.key_editor==2){
col.editor = myTextEditor;
} else {
col.editor = myCheckEditor;

Title: Re: Change editor edatagrid
Post by: finzaiko on February 26, 2016, 11:01:18 PM
Ahaa.. Its work!, solved, Thanks Jarry.