EasyUI Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mcenal on May 14, 2014, 08:18:13 AM

Title: Basic Tree and Folder structure
Post by: mcenal on May 14, 2014, 08:18:13 AM
Is there a way to build out a Tree with a folder structure?  I have a website that needs to be able to browse subpaths of a folder tree (within the website) and I need to save that path for use in another part of the website.  (IE/ Please select project path you want to download files from.)  I was able to get some of the folder information to show up in json (with proper recursion) but the json from that tutorial was vastly different then the structure that Tree needs, specifically with the leaf nodes of the tree - Not marked, and no way to check for them so that the extra json node information could be added.