DataGrid View

Extension » DataGrid View

DataGrid DetailView

Step 1: Create an HTML Page

Step 2: Create the DataGrid


Name Type Description Default
autoUpdateDetail boolean Define if update the row detail content when update a row. true
detailFormatter function(index,row) The formatter function to return row detail content.


Name Parameters Description
onExpandRow index,row Fires when expand a row.
onCollapseRow index,row Fires when collapse a row.


Name Parameter Description
fixDetailRowHeight index Fix the detail row height.
getExpander index Get row expander object.
getRowDetail index Get row detail container.
expandRow index Expand a row.
collapseRow index Collapse a row.
subgrid conf Create a nested subgrid. The 'conf' parameter has 'options' and 'subgrid' properties.
1) options: defines how the datagrid is rendered. The subgrid's options object has a 'foreignField' property. The foregin value will be sent to server to retrieve the subgrid's data.
2) subgrid: defines if the subgrid should be created. When defined, the nested subgrid will be created.

Usage example:

var conf = {
		//the master grid options
			foreignField:'orderid',	// the foregin field name
			//	return {
			//		orderid:,
			//		ordername:
			//	}
			//other grid options
				//other grid options
$('#dg').datagrid().datagrid('subgrid', conf);
getSelfGrid none Get the self datagrid object.
getParentGrid none Get the parent datagrid object.
getParentRowIndex none Get the parent row index.

DataGrid GroupView

Step 1: Create an HTML Page

Step 2: Create the DataGrid


Name Type Description Default
groupField string Indicate what field to be grouped.
groupSortOrder string Indicate the sort order on group field. Available values are: 'asc','desc'. null
groupSorter string Customized sorting function.
groupFormatter function(value,rows) The formatter function to return the group content.
The value parameter indicate the group value defined by 'groupField' property.
The rows parameter indicate the data rows according to the specified group value.
groupFooter function(value,rows) The function to return the group footer row.
groupStyler function(value,rows) The function to return the CSS style for the group.
The value parameter indicate the group value defined by 'groupField' property.
The rows parameter indicate the data rows according to the specified group value.

Usage example:

	groupStyler: function(value,rows){
		if (value == 'RP-LI-02'){
			return 'background-color:#6293BB;color:#fff;'; // return inline style
			// the function can return predefined css class and inline style
			// return {class:'r1', style:{'color:#fff'}};	
detailFormatter function(index,row) The formatter function to return row detail content.


Name Parameters Description
onExpandGroup groupIndex Fires when expand a group.
onCollapseGroup groupIndex Fires when collapse a group.


Name Parameter Description
expandGroup groupIndex Expand a group.
collapseGroup groupIndex Collapse a group.
scrollToGroup groupIndex scroll to a group.
refreshGroupTitle groupIndex Refresh the group title.

DataGrid BufferView

Step 1: Include bufferview javascript file

Step 2: Create DataGrid

DataGrid VirtualScrollView

Step 1: Include scrollview javascript file

Create DataGrid with Virtual Scroll View


Name Parameter Description
getRow index Get the specified row data.
gotoPage page Go to the specified page.

Code example:

$('#dg').datagrid('gotoPage', 8);  // go to the page 8
$('#dg').datagrid('gotoPage', {
	page: 12,
	callback: function(page){
		console.log('go to page: ' + page);
scrollTo index Scroll the view to the specified row.

Code example:

$('#dg').datagrid('scrollTo', 200);  // scroll to the row 200
$('#dg').datagrid('scrollTo', {
	index: 120,
	callback: function(index){
		console.log('scroll to the row: ' + index);
fixDetailRowHeight index Fix the detail row height.
getExpander index Get row expander object.
getRowDetail index Get row detail container.
expandRow index Expand a row.
collapseRow index Collapse a row.

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